Last Easter Weekend Jason and I were Lucky enough to go to Portland with my family. We had so much fun and did so much! I love visiting Portland, there is so many interesting people and so many interesting things to do.
Our first day there we began our adventure to the Coast to go crabbing. We drove to the coast on winding, narrow roads, passing tall green forests of pine trees and the scenic views of Oregon farmland. My stomach was churning by the time we reached the small dock. But while my Grandma and Mom waited patiently for us on the dock we made our way out onto the choppy waters of a windy bay, lined with pine trees and sandy shores dotted with sunbathing seals and sun-bleached driftwood.
My sister in law, Amy, and I were the picture-takers in the bow of the small aluminum boat. My Dad drove while Jason and my brother Ryan set and pulled up the crab traps. We caught only one crab. Crabs have to be of a certain size and you can only keep males. I almost felt bad because we interrupted him having a nice dinner, he was still chomping on some rotting fish guts.
A couple hours on the water was enough for me, and Jason & Ryan were soaking wet with salt water, they were devoted though and kept crabbing off the dock. Luckily my Dad saved the day and came prepared with plenty of dry clothes! Our crab along with a couple others we bought were cooked up and the dock and after some seafood at a oyster factory, we were beck to my Grandma's house.
In my past I have not particularly loved crab, but I was brave and tried some, and it's not that bad! I wasn't as brave as Jason who ate the heart, and some of the rotting fish bait, but I like to pretend that didn't happen. After helping cracking a couple crab I legs I decided crabs are the spiders of the sea and pretty much creep me out. (Until I found there are real sea-spiders, eek!)
We had fun! I think Jason's jeans still smell fishy, but it was worth it. More blogging of our Portland adventures to come!
danny likes to tell me stories of how jason once ate napkins/a container of hummus/styrofoam etc. so i believe the guts thing. looks like you guys had fun!